Search for Sperm and Egg Donors, Co-Parents or Surrogates. KnownDonorRegistry is a free community resource and social media platform built around the need of thousands of alternative families and infertile couples to build their families as they choose, specifically with the use of known sperm and egg donors or active co-parents. At European Sperm Bank we can assist with preparation of the sperm from a so-called “known donor”. We offer to clean, freeze and ship the semen that is meant for the artificial insemination of a woman, who has chosen her own donor in advance. A sperm donor can be either anonymous (through a sperm bank) or known.
From a purely legal perspective, it’s less complicated to rely on an anonymous donation.
In the case of known sperm donors, it is very easy to forget to ensure that the donor’s rights are completely terminated. Couples using a known sperm donor are advised to work with. A Known Donor Account is the same as a Directed Donor but for this account the recipient has chosen to waive the recommended six-month quarantine of the semen samples.
Instead of a 6-month quarantine, for a Known Donor account the donor is required to have STD testing every days while making deposits.