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In the throes of passion, almost anything goes an when performing oral sex on a girl, it is quite natural. I would like to share my personal experience. Me and my girlfriend are in a sexual relationship from more than a year. We are very open to each other when it comes to sex.
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How do girls feel about having their ass licked? I love to eat pussy and lick ass. In my current relationship, I eat her pussy all the time, but I have not licked her ass yet.
I am not doing it to get to anal sex. I just want to give her pleasure. Extreme porn video tube with a wide selection of the most perverted sexual practices of Scat fetish. View Anus Pics and every kind of Anus sex you could want - and it will always be free!
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And you can get sick if he licks your anus , and then kisses you. Also, you can get a bad vaginal infection if he licks your anus , and then performs oral sex on you. This also applies if he puts his fingers in your anus and then puts them in your vagina. When we have drunk sex, my boyfriend always wants to lick my asshole while going down on me.
It always grosses me out so I stop him, just cause i dont think its sanitary. It feels good though, and i wouldnt mind him doing it cause I do like it. If he licks my anus and then licks my vagina will that spread.
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