A forest is a large area dominated by trees. Hundreds of more precise definitions of forest are used throughout the worl incorporating factors such as tree density, tree height, land use, legal standing and ecological function. Many animals need forests to live and survive. Forests are very important and grow in many places around the world. They are an ecosystem which includes many plants and animals.
Temperature and rainfall are the two most important things for forests. Many places are too cold or too dry for them. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands. The science of forestry has elements that belong to the biological, physical, social, political and managerial sciences. Forest significa bosque en varios idiomas como y puede referirse a:.
Forest (Bélgica), uno de los diecinueve municipios de la Región de Bruselas-Capital. Forest Meadows, lugar designado por el censo en el condado de Calaveras, California. Sinharaja Forest Reserve is a forest reserve and a biodiversity hotspot in Sri Lanka.

It is of international significance and has been designated a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Le lac Forest, lac de Californie. Some categories of tropical forest types are difficult. While forests in temperate areas are readily categorised on the basis of tree canopy density, such schemes do not work well in tropical forests.
There is no single scheme that defines what a forest is, in tropical regions or elsewhere. We use Simple English words and grammar here. That includes children and adults who are learning English. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. media disambiguation page.
Der Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ist eine internationale Non-Profit-Organisation (englisch stewardship ‚Verantwortung‘, ‚Verwalteramt‘). Bat Ray in kelp forest, San Clemente Islan Channel Islands, California. disambiguation page. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2. All following user names refer to en.
Jump to navigation Jump to search. Red Pines in the Manistee National Forest. Discover ideas about New Zealand North. New Zealand North Kiwiana Tree Forest Kauri Tree New Zealand Houses Growing Tree Single Tree 19th Century Tree Of Life. Today, this tamarin is confined to three small areas of the tropical rain forest in southeastern Brazil: Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, Fazenda Union Biological Reserve, private land through the Reintroduction Program.
Der Pike National Forest ist einer von elf National Forests in Colorado und wird zusammen mit dem San Isabel National Forest vom United States Forest Service verwaltet. Bekannteste Bestandteile des Waldgebietes sind der Pikes Peak, das Rampart Reservoir, der. Forest es una villa ubicada en el condado de Hardin en el estado estadounidense de Ohio.
Forest gardening )是一种建立于林地 生态系的蔬食混农林业,耕作者在原本稀疏的林木之间利用 伴生栽培 ( 英语 : Companion planting ) 的耕作方式,种植可供人食用的水果、坚果类果树、灌木、香料以及 蔬菜 ( 英语 : Perennial vegetables ) 等农作物,使其交互生长成一个可 长期经营. Pasteurized Milk Factory, yogurt, butter and cheese plants were opened. Ice Factory was able to produce tonnes of ice daily. The first zoo in Ankara was opened in the Atatürk Forest Farm. Spanish aur Portuguese bhasa me Rio Amazonas bolaa jaawe hae, ek naddi hae jon ki South America ke tropical jangle me se flow howe hae.
Ii jaada kar ke Brazil me hae aur samundar me jaae ke Atlantic Ocean me nikle hae. II Nile Naddi ke baad me dunia ke duusra sab se lamba nadi hae. Agar jo dekha jaae ki isme se ketna paani flow hoe hae tab ii dunia ke sab se barraa naddi hae. Aberdare Forest (skog, lat -1 long 357), Nyandarua, Det här är en förgreningssida som listar artiklar associerade med titeln Aberdare Forest. Om du kom hit via en länk , får du gärna ändra länken så att den hänvisar direkt till den avsedda sidan.
Witu Forest (skog, lat -3 long 449), Lamu, Det här är en förgreningssida som listar artiklar associerade med titeln Witu Forest. Intended to be used for locations in Creator templates,. TemplateData is a way to store information about template parameters.

Dixie National Forest is een bosgebied bij Cedar City in de Amerikaanse staat Utah, ten oosten van de Interstate 15. Het bosgebied is circa 8.
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