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When you swing your penis around in a circle and make the noise of a helicopter. A sex position is a position of the body that people use for sexual intercourse or other sexual activities. Sexual acts are generally described by the positions the participants adopt in order to perform those acts. Though sexual intercourse generally involves penetration of the body of one person by another, sex positions commonly involve penetrative or non-penetrative sexual activities. I think it where you swing your legs around while riding your guy.
How do you have sex with a helicopter? What is a purple helicopter? This is high octane sex at its finest. Even the name is a little ‘out there’. Fast forward mins seconds Mosquito helicopter 10th test flight.

This allows the helicopter to take off and land vertically, to hover, and to fly forwar backwar and laterally. These attributes allow helicopters to be used in congested or isolated areas where fixed-wing aircraft and many forms of VTOL (Vertical TakeOff and Landing) aircraft cannot perform. A helicopter is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by rotors. Video length: (1:00) - Starring: Hot amateurs gone wild in this Amateur, Asian video. The spinning helicopter sex position, as we’ve already mentione is one of the most complicated kamasutra sex positions.
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