Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos! YTbuzzfeedyellow MUSIC Moving South Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music. Research shows that a happy sex life can stamp out stress, reduce heart disease risk, and even improve immunity. Try just one of these tricks today. Try reverse cowgirl, rimming, or even tantric sex on for size.

For Better Sex , Tips No Couple Should Go Without. Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, Ph. Travel Association even reports that couples that travel together have better sex lives. Seven Tips to Be Better in Bed 1. Want to have even better sex? We mined hundreds of MensHealth.
Sometimes, having better sex just comes down to the simple solutions. Take a look at these simple tips to better sex. Are you finding that sex is either not pleasurable or simply painful? Whatever the case, if you work on it, you can improve your sex life. Turns out your abdomen, lower back, and even butt muscles help you better position your pelvis during sex , says Barbara Keesling, M. How to have better sex , according to real women.

Women Share Their Best Tips For Mind-Blowing Sex. Sex and physical intimacy comes naturally in a relationship, with time it does lose its spark to some extent, but it doesn’t vanish. You jog a little before you run to warm-up.
Have a fulfilling sex life with expert advice and tips everything from the best positions to how to get the most satisfaction. Plus, get in-depth information on sexual health. Sex is just as healthy and necessary as exercise an just like exercise, it may surprise you with pleasure and satisfaction—even if you weren’t “in the mood. So get back into practice.
Once you’re back in the habit, you’ll start to feel better and your sex drive should naturally increase. Increase your activity level. Sex and relationship experts chime in with accurate insight about what men really want in be and how to please both your man and yourself. These tricks and tips can also make sex easier and more fun. Strategies for Better Sex.
Luckily for butts everywhere, anal sex is no longer the ~taboo~ subject it once was. Related Stories for GQ Sex. From award-winning writing and. Foreplay Tips That Drive. Sex Tips All Married Couples Should Try.
A sex hacker, Kenneth says, finds simple, replicable tricks that boost sexual confidence, increase intimacy between partners, and add more pleasure to sex. A hack for how to have better sex might. Turn down the lights and get in the mood.
Are you no longer interested in sex or has intimacy become a painful affair? Sexologist Catriona Boffard has. Here are ways to boost your bedroom game. We all want to have hot sex. According to a new, small, but in-depth study from New York University, marijuana goes better with sex than booze does — leading to “magnified” orgasms and less regret.
Science-Backed Tips to Make You Better in Bed. Regardless of how you get revved up for better sex , Matthew N. Simmons, M Ph of the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute in Clevelan.
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