What does the label mean? Certified forest area, US 160. We have updated the look and feel of the public search. From now on this replaces the old certificate search.

This is the one stop for inquiries about certificates and their status. Environmentally Appropriate. Protecting and maintaining natural communities and high conservation value forests. Use the links below and to the left to learn how to use the different tools.
Dieses Kennzeichen steht für den Zugang von FSC-zertifiziertem Holz zu industriellen Prozessen auch in solchen Regionen, in denen nur kleinere Waldgebiete FSC-zertifiziert sind. Dans la mesure où la gouvernance de ce label se fonde sur trois collèges qui à parts égales (en nombre de voix) traitent les trois questions. FSC weltweit 1Mio.
Der britischen Umweltorganisation Rainforest Foundation wurde vorgeworfen, das Recht zur Kennzeichnung von Produkten mit dem FSC-Label auch an Unternehmen zu vergeben, die in Einzelfällen in schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen verstrickt waren. Se mere om kampagnen her. Vi har udarbejdet et undervisningsmateriale, der henvender sig til studerende på landets tekniske og byggefaglige uddannelser.
Respecting the rights of workers, communities and indigenous peoples. An on-product label indicates the status of the product itself. This is part of a growing trend of business and consumers wanting assurance about ‘invisible product characteristics’. Our study area was the island of Borneo.

Das Label findet sich auf Holz- und auf Papierprodukten. Unser System bietet Stakeholdern viele Möglichkeiten, an den Zertifizierungs- und Akkreditierungsverfahren und den Prozessen zum Setzen der Standards mitzuwirken. Here, you can also stand as, and vote for, candidates for the Board of Directors.
Text claims may be made only in addition to an on-product label. It’s one of the easiest things you can do to help save the world’s forests. This label certifies that forest products come from responsibly managed forests. Das entspricht knapp der bundesweiten Waldfläche.

They always places great value on working with suppliers who comply with the strict guidelines for environmental protection and sustainability. Produkte, die dieses Label tragen, müssen mindestens Prozent FSC-zertifiziertes Material beinhalten. Observe minimum label and logo size and include sufficient space around the logo and label.
B e aware that extra time may be required to process creative trademark usage. You may need to make changes. Het label is van toepassing op hout en afgeleide producten, waaronder heel wat papiertoepassingen. The system allows for mixing postconsumer recycled paper with some post- -industrial paper sources such as cuttings, maintaining a high degree of product integrity. The EU Ecolabel promotes the circular economy by encouraging producers to generate less waste and.
When there are space limitations, the mini label may be used (see ). Forest Stewardship Council Mini label 10. Color, format, font and pla-cing shall follow the rules of the standard label. The trademark symbol shall be chosen as specified.
The use of the label shall not imply that the organization is affiliated with FSC.
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