There are two ways you can stroke the selection, either by using a paint tool or without using one. This means that the selection border, which is emphasized in the image with a dotted line, can be drawn with a stroke. There are various options which you can use to specify how this stroke should look. This GIMP tutorial shows you how stroking the path gives you much better then stroking the selection.

It also shows how to make a selection into a path. You can easily create text with border or outline in GIMP. Some also call it stroke if you are familiar with using Photoshop. There is no dedicated feature in GIMP that allows you to create text with border or create an outline around your text, but through a combination of a couple of features you can easily achieve this. Steps to Follow: - Open GIMP.
Now select a portion of the image using selection tool. Since GIMP is an image manipulation program and not a painting program it doesn’t include tools to draw shapes like squares and circles. I want to just draw a simple line in GIMP. How to Outline Text in GIMP 2. PhotoShop users may have it easy with their ability to add a stroke to the outline of the text simply by right-clicking. This discussion is connected to the gimp -user-list.

GIMP developers and not related to gimpusers. So I was using stroke path normally and then I accidentally clicked selection from path and I undid that. I draw a path and then click stroke path. Either a preset is passed and pattern is NULL or preset is GIMP _DASH_CUSTOM and pattern is the GArray to use as the dash pattern. If you stroke with a paint tool the currently selected paint tool will be used (as per my previous post) Look at the dialogue to see more options that are available.
GIMP includes several tools that outline images in various ways. Depending on the effect you want, you can use borders, add a 3D outline, or choose from a variety of algorithms to detect edges within an image and shade them. One of the many wonderful things about GIMP is that it allows you to install brushes created by third parties, which can save you a ton of time that you would’ve otherwise spent drawing these elements individually. In this post I’ll be sharing the best free brushes I’ve rounded up. Keep the text tool selected.
Call the layer text outline. Not all the time, but randomly, Gimp chooses not to stroke a path correctly. Go to the menu Select and choose From path. Then create, manipulate, stroke and edit your lines and text any old way you want. But if you do this kind of work a lot, it may be worth looking into.
A quick an easy way to add an outline to any text. The defaults are ok for the purposes of this tutorial. Step Now using the text tool (Shortcut: T), add some text to your canvas.
This is the situation, I have an a selection and want to stroke the selection using the Ink tool. Click on the Paths tab to manage your paths. The original tutorial can be found here.
It was updated for GIMP 2. Four Ways to Draw a Border Around a Selection in GIMP. But I digress - and yes, I have both programs. Why that is so may well become the subject of another post.
While there is no Draw Circle tool in GIMP , there are several ways you can create circles using the tools provided. The Path tool will create a vector circle that you can add a border to. Now, you can move the line around until you get it perfect by clicking on the dot on either end and dragging it with the mouse.
Stroke an image with Paint Tool.
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